Gulbransen Calls Out the Left’s Opposition to Stopping Modern-Day Slavery

Executive Director of Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition Aaron Gulbransen shares his insights about who is empowering the modern slave trade right here in Nashville and how the people of Tennessee can confront and defeat this ancient and evil practice on Tuesday’s cant-miss episode of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy.


Aaron Gulbransen:

So, I don’t like to mention their name, but I think it bears a mention here at the beginning of Aaron’s Analysis, The Tennessee Holler has started paying attention to the Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition Tennessee Holler for everyone who doesn’t know – and your brain is probably functioning better for not knowing, but I’m about to break it – is mainly a Twitter account and viral/guerilla style – I’m not calling them journalists – but sort of online video blog that has about 187,000 followers on Twitter.

And in response to our event that we are having on Tuesday, August 15th at the Williamson County Public Library.

Tuesday, August 15th at the Williamson Public Library Meeting room  at 5:30 p.m. you’ll see Congressman Andy Ogles and State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson speaking.

And so, they tweeted, ‘Heads up Williamson County Tuesday, August 15th, 5:30 p.m. at the library in Franklin, you’ll have a rare chance’ – which they’re not looking very hard – ‘to find your find state Senator Jack Johnson and Congressman Andy Ogles’ and then they said a bunch of bad things about them..

But I wanted to give the Marxist communists at the Tennessee Holler a bit of a preview of what they will get from me at this meeting, and you could see a lot of this right now on a commentary that I, along with Aaron Spradlin, wrote called, “Don’t Let a Movie Be Your Only Involvement in the Fight to End Modern-Day Slavery.”

Yes; The Tennessee Holler apparently doesn’t like an organization that fights child and human trafficking like we do.

The Sound of Freedom is a wonderful and eye-opening movie. We’ve constantly urged people to see the movie, and if you haven’t yet, go grab your tickets to see it right now. I’m serious.

It’s amazing. It’s life-changing.

For many, it has become similar to the Sinner’s Prayer in the moment of the life of a Christian.

And many of you listening right now know what I’m talking about. Like the sinner’s prayer serves as the starting point in the life of a new believer in Christ, it is vitally important that you listening and reading purposely take your new awareness of the evils of modern-day slavery that is child and human trafficking to a mature and responsible level.

The Sound of Freedom is, as we say in church, the milk that a new believer will drink. Now that you’ve seen the movie is the time to get to the meat. The meat of this issue of modern-day slavery can be a little bit tough to swallow. The meat of the issue is that child and human trafficking exists right here in our own communities.

That’s you, ladies and gentlemen listening right here.

That is us sitting in the studio right now, less than a mile away. Modern-day slavery exists among us near where our children sleep and play. It is not a faraway problem that exists thousands of miles away in another country or just at the border, which you may think if you base your worldview based on just certain politicians’ rhetoric.

It is not a problem that can be fixed just by securing the U.S. southern border. And while we believe it is vital, for a zillion other reasons that we’ve talked about constantly on this show and elsewhere, that we are not discussing at the moment to secure the southern border – doing so as a sole way to address this issue is not the case.

That is not the solution.

It is merely a great starting point. According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation in the United States, on average, every two minutes a child is bought or sold for sex.

Thank you, Marsha Blackburn, for really amplifying that.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Southern Border of Crisis accounts for only 13 percent of the problem. That means 87 percent of the problem that is child and human trafficking is right here in the United States.

A representative of TBI recently told Daily Wire in a piece that featured Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition and the Mission America Foundation:

As far as child sex trafficking is concerned, we’re not seeing foreign nationals here in Tennessee. Not a lot of them.

The majority of the cases we get we work on here are where a child is being trafficked. Trafficked, the majority of them are kids that are from Tennessee.

And as we demonstrated here and on, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn, State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, and many other wonderful, new fully conservative elected officials in Tennessee have stated in one form or another themselves, the problem is here in the United States, as well as Tennessee, and we all need to band together to address this.

We are dedicated along with our friends at the General Assembly to saving lives and freeing people from the evils of modern-day slavery right here in our state and local communities. Sadly, the Marxist left, like Tennessee Holler has no interest in this cause, and I hope and pray they come to our meeting on August 15th at 5:30 at the Williamson County Public Library to learn about this.

The Sound of Freedom is an important introduction to the issue of modern-day slavery – and again, we urge everyone to see it.

But remember, it is only an introduction.

Our exhortation to those of you listening is very simple: Don’t let seeing or posting on your social media about the Sound of Freedom be the last of your involvement in the fight and modern-day slavery.

Ultimately saving children and freeing them – women as well, and even men – from the evils of modern-day slavery is not about a movie; It’s not about an actor or charismatic spokesperson, an individual political candidate, or even an advocacy organization.

It’s about individual citizens, voters, and communities being aware of the full nature of the problem; asking their elected representatives what they’re doing to end modern-day slavery; and also, encouraging those representatives that do lead in the fight – is very important to thank them when they’re doing a great job, and as many in our general assembly are doing.

It is about showing prosecutors who don’t lead in the fight the door – and don’t let it hit you on the way out.

But it is about coming up with solutions to the problem right here at home, where children sleep and play. We applaud the Sound of Freedom as a vehicle for public awareness but remember, it’s just a movie.

It’s a great movie, but now that you are aware, we welcome you to this ongoing fight to save lives, and do not let it be where you stop your involvement.

And that’s Aaron’s Analysis for Tuesday, August 8th, 2023.

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio or Spotify.
Background Photo “Williamson County Public Library System” by Williamson County Public Library System.



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